I received a request the other day for one of my old figures that interactively displays the data from my 2010 BMC Biology paper on the growth of phylogenetic knowledge. It was still sitting on my old server space at…
I received a request the other day for one of my old figures that interactively displays the data from my 2010 BMC Biology paper on the growth of phylogenetic knowledge. It was still sitting on my old server space at…
Bob and Caroline are spending the week at the 2013 Workshop in Applied Phylogenetics at Bodega Bay. Find out more about the workshop and what is going on at our new website.
Max Telford has a really nice perspective in today’s Science on the contribution that molecular data has made toward resolving the animal tree of life, it’s definitely worth a read. The perspective focuses on deep relationships among major groups of…
We have brought a new website online just in time for the 2013 Bodega Bay Phylogenetics workshop. Check it out here. Some information about the reasons for the change and useage of the old website are contained in my post…
TIME: Fridays at 3pm. LOCATION: Snyder 410. We’ll use the first meeting to get organized for the semester. Bring papers and topics that you’d like to cover!
…and just in time for the holidays. I’ve been using my spare minutes over the last few weeks to build us a new compute cluster, finally switching it on today. We’re the proud owners of a new 96 (virtual) core…
While this isn’t really lab news, I wanted to call attention to an ongoing discussion over at Anole Annals regarding a recently proposed reclassification that advocates breaking up the genus Anolis into eight genera (Nicholson et al. 2012; pdf). Regardless…
Applications are now being accepted for the 2013 Bodega Applied Phylogenetics Workshop. Visit the course website for further information and to apply.